Monday, 17 November 2014

A2 Media Studies Music Video - Rolling in the Deep - Analysis

Here is another A2 media music video that I have watched. I thought that this music video was particularly good and looked quite professional. One of the things that I liked the most about this music video is the use of over lapping shots, as one scene finishes the other one enters over the top of it. I think that this is a good technique to use as it keeps the audience interested as they are shown something dynamically different on the screen.

Another thing that I like about this music video is the use of smoke effects. I think that this makes the video look professional and shows that the participants have gone out of their way to create something effective.

As well as this, the group have used more than one location which I think is useful. This is because it keeps the audience interested. If the music video was set in just one location the audience might become disengaged as it would get rather repetitive and they would become too familiar with the surrounding.

Next, one of the techniques that I think the group have shown very well is the use of lip syncing. From watching the video you can see that the group have put a lot of time and effort into making sure that the lip syncing is accurate.

I also like that the music video has had a filter added onto it so that it is in black and white as I think that this adds to the dramatic effect. However I do think that a use of some colour in the video would've been effective as it would've given the audience something to focus on.

Overall I think that this music video is very good and is at the standard that we as a group are hoping to replicate. I have taken some inspiration from watching this music such as the use of smoke effects and the over lapping of shots as I have not seen this been done by any other group whilst carrying out my research.

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