Sunday, 19 April 2015

magazine advert

After creating our digipak for our artists debut album it was important that we then advertised the product effectively to our target audience.  The way in which we done this was by creating a magazine advert. Whilst creating our advert we wanted to carry over the same image that was used on the front of the digipak. We decided to make this decision because after researching into professional magazine adverts we found that it is often the case that the artist will use the same image throughout in order for it to become recognisable. 

After deciding on the main image to use on the advert. I then had to establish what backing I wanted to use. Similarly to the image, I also wanted the backing to be representative of the digipak. As a result of this, I used a similar backing to what is on the back cover of the digipak. I think that it was an effective idea to use this backing as it is still quite plain which means that it is easy for our target audience to read the vital information. However it still has a slight pattern to ensure that the posture is interesting.

Following on from this, we then had to add the information that is needed to ensure that the digipak is advertised successfully. One of the things that is extremely important is ensuring that we had the release date of the album. Without this information we would not be able to market our product to our target audience. Moreover, after receiving some audience feedback I realised it is also important to ensure that the target audience know where they can purchase the album from. Therefore I will add this information to my advert to ensure it is as successful as possible.

Additionally to this, we chose to include some extra information. One of the aspects of some of the professional adverts that I liked was the use of advertising some of the tracks that are featured on the album. I think that this is a very good marketing technique as it draws the audience in and the use of "and more" makes the audience want to see what else is available on the album.

Overall, I think that the general layout of our magazine advert is very professional. I think that have included the right about of information so that our target audience are aware of where the album is available. I think that we have included the right amount of information and it does not look complicated. However, as I have previously mentioned, the advertisement does need some additional information to ensure that our target audience know where to purchase the digipak.

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