The print screens below display some of the progress that we have made during the editing process of our video.
Firstly, as you can see from the print screen above we have made some successful progress in the editing of our music video. We decided to use the green screen that is provided by our school in order to add a visual effect behind the artist. Since filming these shots, we have cut and matched up the lip syncing aspect of the video and placed them where we want them to feature in the video. However we are yet to decide on the image we want placed behind the artist. Furthermore, as we have not used the green screen before and this is a new technique that we will be learning as a group, it is important that we make the decision of what we want to feature behind sooner rather than later, as it could be a time consuming process.
Also from the print screen above you can see that we have added a ripple effect transition to our filming. This is because we are going from one location to another and therefore we wanted to display this as a new sequence through the use of a transition. We decided to use the one featured above as it fits perfectly with the narrative image we are trying to portray to our audience, which is that our artists head is not in the right mind-set after the event of a break up. I think that this ripple effect creates that mind-set.
The above print screen displays one of the different locations that we have used within our music video. Since filming these shots we have also began to edit them and place them where we would like to them be within the sequence. In order to improve this filming further I think that we should change the lighting and the contrast so that the brick wall is more prominent within the shot.
The next image displays one of the video filters that we have added to our shots. We decided to add this filter as the artist grips her hair. We think that by adding this filter to the shot it adds to the overall effect that we are tying to create within the video and the idea that the artist is losing her mind as she is no longer the same person.
Finally, the print screen above displays the track of filming and editing that we have completed. We are happy with where the shots have been placed and the lip syncing matches the song. I think that as a group we have made good process and I am happy with some of the final editing. However there are minor improvements that we need to make and we also need to film some extra footage to ensure that the video is not solely focused on the artist as this is not often the case in professional music videos.
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