Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Target audience

Before creating our music video it is important that we decide on a target audience so that we know who we are aiming our video at. There are specific things that should be included when trying to target a different age group. This is because young people for example have different interests to older people. As well as this different genders have different interests, something a male would deem as interesting might not necessarily target a female audience. Therefore these are all factors that we need to consider before deciding on a target audience.

I think that because we have decided to recreate a video for a female artist it is most likely that our main target audience will be females. This is because I think that a female is more inclined to listen to a female artist than a male is. However a smaller number of males might still be interested in watching our music video. As it is down to the individual person and their own music taste. 

I also think that the age group that we will also be targeting will be young people. These are people aged between 16-24. I think that young people display more of an interest in watching music videos than older people. This is because young people are more likely to use the rsources around them such as social networking and YouTube where the music videos may be displayed or promoted. Where as older people are more likely to hear the song through the radio

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