Tuesday, 9 December 2014

'Do I Wanna Know' AM Music Video A2 Media - Analysis

Firstly, one of things that the students have included in this music video is the use of lip syncing. This is an important element to include when creating a  music video, although I do think that the lip syncing does not look as professional as it could do in this particular video. I think that the lip syncing could look more effective if the actors opened their mouths slightly wider.

However saying this, I do like the opening of the music video. In particularly how the shots match up with the beat of the music. For example when they sit down on the wall. Furthermore, one of the other things that I like about this music video is the use of guitar playing at the beginning of the video and the use of the video cutting from a performance to a narrative style. I think that it is effective to include more than one style as it is more likely to keep the audience interested in the video as the dynamics change. 
However, one of the things that I dislike about this video is some of the chosen locations. I think that at points this video has the ability to look quite professional. Although some of the locations spoil this in my opinion. One of the things that I don't like about this music is the use of lighting in the car scene. I that this scene in particular makes the video look worse than it should.

On the other hand, one of the things that I like about this music video is some of the effects that have been used. An example of this is the effects used at the end of the music video. I think that it was effective to use these as it makes the dynamic of the video more interesting for the target audience to watch.

Overall, I think that this music video has some good features, such as the use of a guitar, which I mentioned previously. Although on the whole I think it could be improved a lot by changing a few things. For example the lighting in some of the shots. Moreover, I also think that the students could've used some more interesting locations in order to keep the audience interested. This is something that we should consider when creating our own music video as simple things such as the mise en scene can affect the overall look of the video. Therefore it is important that we have a good location, costume etc and think carefully about these aspects before shooting our video.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of screen grabs to highlight your points?

    How well overall do you think the video promotes the song and the artist?
