Wednesday, 3 December 2014


1.     What is your gender?
Male      Female

2.     How old are you?
16-18     19-21     22-24     25-27     28+

3.     What is your favorite genre of music?
Pop       Rock      Classical      R&B       other

4.     Do you often watch the accompanying music video to a song you enjoy? If so why?

5.     What type of music video do you prefer?
Emotional     Upbeat      No preference     other

6.     Do you like the music video to match the lyrics? Why? 

7.     Do you tend to listen to a song first before you watch the music video?
Yes      No     Sometimes

8.     Where do you normally find out about a new music video?
Social media   YouTube    Friends    Other

9.     Do you normally only watch a music video once or several times? Why?

This is the questionnaire that I created about music videos. I thought that it would be a good idea to hand out this questionnaire in order to get some audience feedback from our target audience which is people aged between 16-24.  Although our target audience is primarily females, a male might also be interested in watching our video. Therefore I will hand out the questionnaire to both genders. I think that it will be interesting so see how the different genders respond to the questions.

Once we have received the answers from our questionnaire we will be able to develop a greater understanding of what genre of music that the target audience prefer to listen to and what type of music videos they enjoy watching. 

As well as this we will be able to use this information effectively to create a music video that our target audience are interested in watching. Furthermore, once we have a majority decision of what type of music our target audience prefer to listen to it will make narrowing down our song choice a lot easier. 

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