It is very important when choosing our artists name that it is something short and catchy. We want our artists name to be memorable but to also appeal to our target audience which is 16-24 year olds.
One of the things that I looked at whilst trying to decide on a name for our artist was the top 10 female names. By doing this I was able to see what is popular as we want to make sure that our artists name is liked by our target audience. Below is a print screen of the top 10 names:
One of the names that I was quite drawn to on this list was Ava, although this is clearly a popular name I also think that it is quite unique. Moreover, it is very short meaning that it is easy to remember and easy to market, which we must consider as we also have to create a digipak and magazine cover. Another name that I also like is Alexa. I think that either of these names would be ideal.
I then carried out some research into last names to see which ones were the most popular and not so popular. For our artists last name I would prefer to use something that isn't quite as popular. Below is a print screen of some of the most popular last names, therefore I will try to avoid using these.
One of the last names that I am interested in using is Bell. This is because once again it is short and snappy. After doing further research I found that Rose would also flow very well with either of the first names.
In conclusion after writing up this point I have come up with a final decision that I am going to call my artist:
Alexa Rose
I think that is a relatively easy name to remember and it still unique enough that our artist won't get lost in amongst the crowd. Overall I am pleased with our artists name and think that I carried out sufficient research to see which names were popular to appeal to our audience.
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