Monday, 26 January 2015

First filming session

On the 22nd January I had my first filming session. This was used as a trial so that I could get to grips with filming again as it has been a while since we used a camera and also to practise the lip syncing aspect of the video. 

The images below display some of the shot types that I am planning on using and are print screens from the filming that I carried out. I want there to be a close up on the artists face, particularly focusing on the lips. I am then planning on editing the shots so that they appear as a split screen. 

I decided that our artist should wear dark lipstick as I have mentioned in a previous blog post as I think that the colouring matches the mood of the video. I was pleased with how the colouring of our artists lips turned out and will be planning on using this make up in future filming.

The setting that I used for these shots was just a plain white wall. This is because I want the focus to be on the artist and her mouth, not the surrounding settings. I also think that the lighting in these shots is quite good and is of a standard I would be happy to use.

Following on from this, the artist is wearing white clothing, as you can see. However if I was to re-film these shots I think that I would ask the artist to wear black as it is more fitting with the mood of the song and also so she doesn't blend into the background. 

Overall I think that the filming session was quite beneficial to me as I re-engaged with some the skills I learnt from AS coursework. As well as this the filming gave me an idea of how hard the lip syncing aspect will be. I have learnt that I need to be patient with my artist and help her get to grips with the song. 

Furthermore, In order to get these shots it took several attempts. Therefore I need to make sure that i allocate enough time to get all of my filming done and have enough time left in case I need to re-film anything. 

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